Spatial Orchestra:
Locomotion Music Instruments through Spatial Exploration
Kim, You-Jin, Myungin Lee, Marko Peljhan, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, and Tobias Höllerer. "Spatial Orchestra: Locomotion Music Instruments through Spatial Exploration." In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-5. 2024.
Spatial Orchestra demonstrates how easy it is to play musical instruments using basic input like natural locomotion, which is accessible to most. Unlike many musical instruments, our work allows individuals of all skill levels to effortlessly create music by walking into virtual bubbles. Our Augmented Reality experience involves interacting with ever-shifting sound bubbles that the user engages with by stepping into color-coded bubbles within the assigned area using a standalone AR headset. Each bubble corresponds to a cello note, and omits sound from the center of the bubble, and lets the user hear and express in spatial audio, effectively transforming participants into musicians. This interactive element enables users to explore the intersection of spatial awareness, musical rhythm that extends to bodily expression through playful movements and dance-like gestures within the bubble-filled environment. This unique experience illuminates the intricate relationship between spatial awareness and the art of musical performance.